I was holding my breath and hoping. It has been years since I could see enough detail to spot wildlife. Most of the time I didn’t realize I’d photographed an animal or insect or tiny plant until I loaded the images into the computer and looked at them on the screen.
I was hoping that the result of my cataract surgery would allow me to see some of the things I’d been missing. Today the puppy and I were out for a spin in the Kubota and I was just taking in the sights when I spied an owl sitting an opening in a hollow tree. YES!!!! I hurried home and grabbed a camera. The tree was on the side of my road so I jumped in the car and drove back there. He was still there, soaking up the afternoon sun. I found a place close to park on my one lane road and while still sitting in the seat, turned and shot over my shoulder. Not the best way to capture a shot. I carefully tried to get out of the car without spooking him. Ding Ding Ding. Oops I forgot to pull the key out of the ignition! Darn, he ducked out of sight.
Here is what I got. The image with the owl is one shot (one full frame and the other cropped from the same image). the other is the empty hole. I sat there for some time hoping he would return to his sunbathing. Nope. But, I know where he lives now.
The fantastic part is that I saw him as I was casually moving along. Yep, I can see a lot more detail now. I can only imagine what it will be like once the other eye is done.
I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present.